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قيمة الحياة أن نقدم الفائدة للجميع صحة علاج معلومه خبر نصيحة All of us are human beings, let us care about what others need

الثلاثاء، 24 نوفمبر 2015

A State for Humanity Turkey


A State for humanity

Under the leadership of Turkey's justice and development party

Ordogan gave the women  freedom to wear  headscarf

 And they have the right

 in learning and teaching and work in all areas. And 

gave in the occasion of first baby birth 200 pounds 

and 400 for the second and third 600 to help the look 

after their children and if they are workers they work 

half a day charged a full day after birth

The State cares for the baby and the mother does not 

encourage birth control but also helps parents and 

   shares their joy

 Education is the basis of civilization and the teacher 

is the most important part so they have the lion's 

share of The general budget 

They care about the whole process, so they built new 

schools and new universities round the country to 

cover the needs of all people 

Education is for free so the Turkish people enjoy 


 The plan is continued by Oglu towards the rise of 

nation. The most important are the people away from 

special interests granted 50000 thousand pounds for 

every young person has a project provides 

employment opportunities for employment without 

benefits. Here is the point to have a unique youth 

.away from bad skills 

Professionals have their part by offering them a loan 

of 30 thousand pounds as an interest-free loan and 

another loan of 100,000 lire if necessary. This is the 

way helping workers in their lives and to have a 

happy life for professionals and their family and who 

works with them

Appropriate for the Governor and the governed and 

the Governor sought to comfort the people and this 

relation is like a father to his sons

Equity in income distribution and the observance of 

citizens ' rights educational health worthy of human 


When will we see huge factories in the Arab world 

especially in the Gulf region,  provide  jobs for Arab 

workers and when we see the Arabic Investment of 

funds in the Arabic States ..... when ....!!! maybe 




إرسال تعليق

كل التعلقيات الواردة تعبر عن اصحابها ولا يتحمل الموقع اية مسؤلية عن اي تعليق.
لتكن كلمتك تعبر عن محبة وصدق. ان تكون الكلمة الطيبة فيها النقد البناء

بحث هذه المدونة الإلكترونية

الصحة والعلاج دراسات ومواضيع حديثة

شركة أمنية خاطرت بسلامة الاطفال دون سابق انذار

 شركة أمنية خاطرت بسلامة الاطفال من خلال سياسة الشركة الجديدة و أصبح خط أمنية فئة دينار بعد أن كان يعطي شهرين استقبال وشهر اتصال اصبح اسبوعي...

المشاركات الشائعة

أرشيف المدونة الإلكترونية

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