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قيمة الحياة أن نقدم الفائدة للجميع صحة علاج معلومه خبر نصيحة All of us are human beings, let us care about what others need

السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2015

Tourists Way: Jerash Jordan

  1.   "Jerash "Jordan
    علم الاردن

      جرش "الاردن" City in Jordan 

  2. Jerash, located 48 kilometers north of Amman is considered one of the largest and most well-preserved sites of Roman architecture in the world outside Italy. To this day, its colonnaded streets, baths, theaters, plazas and arches remain in exceptional condition. Within the remaining city walls, archaeologists have found the ruins of settlements dating back to the Neolithic Age, indicating human occupation at this location for more than 6500 years. This is not surprising, as the area is ideally suited for human habitation.
 Jordan Jerash

The site now lies on a modern highway that links Amman with the northern boundary of the Kingdom towards Syria; the drive takes 40 minutes from Amman at a leisurely speed. As one approaches, it is after a corner of the highway that he is suddenly faced with a wonderful view of the ruins with the Triumphal Arch in the foreground. On the other side of the highway lies the modern town of Jerash
street of columns Jerash

sensational columns jerash

old spring Jerash

Roman Theater Jerash

the forum roman city jerash

street of columns roman jerash

sensational view forum roman city jerash

mosaic roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash mosaic


roman theater jerash

old roman city jerash

street of columns jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

old roman city jerash

Location: Jerash, Jordan


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