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قيمة الحياة أن نقدم الفائدة للجميع صحة علاج معلومه خبر نصيحة All of us are human beings, let us care about what others need

السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2015

Tourists Way: Petra Jordan

 Petra The Rose Red City

The jewel of South Jordan 

is Petra, the unique 2,000-

year-old rock-carved city. 

Carved entirely into the rose-red 

cliffs, the remains of the once lost 

Nabataean city of Petra includes 

temples, theaters, monasteries, 

houses and roads. Petra flourished 

for over 400 years around 

the time of Rome and Christ, until it was occupied by 

the Roman legions of the emperor Trajan in 106 A.D. 

The Petra basin boasts over 800 

individual monuments that were mostly carved from 

the kaleidoscopic sandstone by the technical and 

artistic genius of the Arab Nabataeans

The drama of visiting Petra starts with the journey into the mountain-ringed city along the siq, a winding, one kilometer long fissure through the surrounding and overhanging cliffs. Once inside, the siq narrows to little more than five meters in width, while the walls tower up hundreds of meters on either side. The floor, originally paved, is now largely covered with soft sand, although evidence of the Arab Nabataean construction can still be seen in some places
For more info follow the link bellow 

 link: Petra one of the 7 wonders 

تاريخ المدينة النبطية العريقة

The beauty of Petra


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