The best way to save yourself while driving
If you want to send someone to hospital you may die and he survives because of excessive speed
If you Accelerator for a patient in the hospital you know
you have to wait for the doctors to do their job
If you want reach your work at time you may not reach it and the fault will be a curse on you and those who are behind you
Whatever your car modal and the quality of safety it has. you have to mention that there are other drivers on the road with different feelings controlled them
They may survive thousands of times, but the moment of the incident does not know the skill you have
Speed is a bad habit be a way of it
إرسال تعليق
كل التعلقيات الواردة تعبر عن اصحابها ولا يتحمل الموقع اية مسؤلية عن اي تعليق.
لتكن كلمتك تعبر عن محبة وصدق. ان تكون الكلمة الطيبة فيها النقد البناء