Patience adversity
We must have patience and acceptance of the current situation and try to live with what exists and make the effort to skip that stage
Be careful not to be alone and stay with those who cares about you
To recall happiness think in good times, but we know that there are unavoidable destiny and life does not last forever
The turning around self does not change what is happening to you
You should look beyond the situation
What ever happened there is slot of hope look at it, but we know that God's hand is over all the good things and can change your life better than ever
Patience is the key to good life
Let your life with hope and sincerity of God it will be high value
إرسال تعليق
كل التعلقيات الواردة تعبر عن اصحابها ولا يتحمل الموقع اية مسؤلية عن اي تعليق.
لتكن كلمتك تعبر عن محبة وصدق. ان تكون الكلمة الطيبة فيها النقد البناء